cloud_upload paypos
New QR parameters
Amountless QR code support
Raiffeisen bugfix: 5 days (default) or infinite expiry
Upgrade to Angular 13
Smaller size, better offline support
cloud_upload paypos
Version upgrade
Code upgrade to Angular 11
Old (mostly IE) browsers’ support is discontinued
Text corrections
QR code doesn’t contain UTF-8 BOM character
cloud_upload website
UX refinement
Font colors are darker for readability
Font-size matching
pay@WEB description refresh
Checkout basket bugfix - works undard Safari as well
“Safari is the new Internet Explorer”
cloud_upload payweb
QR based payment GW for webshops
QR code generation for in-page presentation
Off-site QR code generation
AES-128 crypto with transaction specific keys
Continous status monitoring
Cloud-native implementation
cloud_upload purse
Excel import
GDPR update
Help page updates
Transaction import from your bank’s Excel file
Multi-transaction categorization
cloud_upload website
Complete website remodeling
Using Creative Tim’s template
Static site generation with Hexo
Purse moved to its own domain
Moved to Firebase hosting
cloud_upload paypos
Compatibility matching
SWIFT code padding to 11 characters for Raiffeisen compatibility
Fully anonymous data collection (IP masking, no-store, no-cookie approach)
cloud_upload paypos
AFR QR standard
BIC / SWIFT code handling
First standard compliant QR code generator in Hungary
cloud_upload paypos
Beta release
Initial release
Pre-final, AFR standard QR code generation
Progressive web app
Responsive Material design
Angular + TypeScript
cloud_upload purse
Performance enhancements
You can add GPS info to your transactions
Speed enhancements on database level
Minor bugfixes on transaction recording
Export-import feature
cloud_upload purse
Drilldown and income categories
Drilldown for transaction categories
Income transactions
More detailed help page
Unified code-formatting
Started to work with Bitbucket Pipelines
cloud_upload purse
UX enhancements
Infinite scrolling
Doughnut summary center-alignment
Search in category names
Updated release-management process
Separate changelog page
cloud_upload purse
Bugfixes and help
Bugfixes for calculations
Help page
Database clear-up
Transaction cloning
Extended currency list
cloud_upload purse
Go-live on AWS
Introducing Purse web application
Site is now HTTPS only
Tweaks in AWS - CloudFront
Logging events with Google Analytics
cloud_upload website
Multilanguage support (en/hu)
CSS refinement
Moved project to BitBucket
cloud_upload website
Design and automatization
Firing up Bower
CSS with Bootstrap, initial layout
Some CSS ideas from Bootplus
Images from iStockPhotos
Setup email for contact
Legal pages
cloud_upload website
Domain names registered at DotRoll
Website setup on AWS
Logo created by Biz-logo
Initial HTML coding
CSS3 animation for logo