Where otherwise not noted, the content provided on this website is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 license.
If you want to use any content according to the license, please, refer the company with a link. If you want to use it for commercial purposes, please contact us for a friendly conversation on the matter.
General concerns
The website is provided as is.
The website is developed according to our best knowledge, based on publicly available data. Despite of this, some data / information could be faulty. Nor the firm, neither the author(s) cannot be held responsible for that.
Decisions based on the information provided on the website is the reader's / user's responsibility, the firm cannot be held responsible for any event regarding those.
The website does not collect any personal information, except for the ones that migh be handled by Google Analytics. No cookie store and IP masking is in effect.
Availability of services
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Settlement of disputes
Please, contact us, we are very flexible. Email address is at the front page.
Clear, short version
Please handle the website as an alternative source. Don't make decisions based solely on the information provided here. Anyway, we don't take any responsibility for anything.